Thursday, March 26, 2009

Office Remodel

As you may know, we remodeled our office last summer, new carpet, new paint... it was as bad as moving! Danielle thought that the carpet needed some additional changes...

Yes, that is toner! Guess we won't be getting bonuses or raises next year either.


Jennifer said...

ewwwwwww...that's going to leave a mark!

Anonymous said...

No IceTango for us!

Julie said...

oh, no, not the Ice Tango!

Aubrey said...


I think I got toner all over Jenn once. Not sure which is worse...

I miss IceTango.

Jennifer said...

No Minnie...
I am the one that made it explode all over the front counter...
and you were in the small conference room eating and watching t.v. when you heard my cries...