Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Old Photos

In this day and age with all the digital photos, I find that I don't print any photos. We were going through old photos one day and came upon this one.

We were at the Shamu show and Michelle really wanted to sit in the splash zone. We didn't so we sat up behind her. She had such a blast getting wet, until the show ended and she was cold (it was November), and soaking wet! THEN I made her stop for this picture! I am a horrible Mother!


RC said...

she is too dang cute..mean momma!

Jennifer said...

Oh the young...
She wouldn't fall for your 'pause for a picture' crap today.

Aubrey said...

I'm excited for my daughters to be older so I can embarrass them like this. Well done, Jules. Well done.

Scarbs said...

I love reading your blog! It's great to see your fun trips and read all about your rude people encounters. I can't believe Michelle is in high school... Time sure flies by. I'd love to see you guys sometime :-)